Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fat Burning and The Leptin Hormone

I was doing some research and some reading the other day and came across some information on the hormone leptin. According to UCLA's Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior a signaling hormone that influences hunger may be the key to treating the worldwide obesity pandemic. This hormone is called leptin. Leptin, the hormone produced by fat cells, causes people to feel full, prohibiting hunger pangs and producing weight loss.

This study was done on subjects who lacked the leptin molecule, causing them to be obese. Using MRI, researchers monitored brain activity when the subjects were given leptin and found that subjects' eating behaviors normalized, and activity increased in the area of the brain associated with feeling full.

Here is the exciting part, we have an all natural product available to help normalize the leptin levels. The product is called Bios Life Slim and is available to all of you through me at a discount. The exciting thing here is the product comes with a 90 day money back guarantee and has no adverse side effects. It will not make you jittery as there are no stimulants and will also help to improve your lipid profile, which consist of cholesterol, triglycerides and blood sugar levels. Click this link for more info

I hope you all find this as interesting as I did.

To Your Health,
Jim Wheaton
Jim's Gym
1600 Cedar St.
Elmira NY 14904

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