Friday, April 2, 2010

P90X Review

I have decided to review the P90X workout regimen and give my honest opinion of it only after being asked several times about it. I want to make it clear that this is my opinion only and is not to meant to undermine the program or anyone who has had success with it.


It is a well put together program that offers some variety. It comes with a diet plan and exercise log that are probably the 2 most important keys to the success of this program. In other words just doing the workout set before you is not enough. You need to track workouts in order to improve and you will not meet your weight goals without the diet program. It is able to be done for the most part in the privacy of your own home with vary little equipment. There seems to be a pretty decent sized community on the internet for support.


Not enough variety. Although there is some variety, most people will either peak or get bored in about 60-90 days. There is no where near enough load bearing exercise (use of weights). There is so much to be said for resistance training in regards to fat loss, bone building, core strength and a whole list of things. The diet plan is not the lifestyle change that I can see people sticking with. It has to be realistic or else your setting yourself up for failure. Working out at home though it sounds nice but is often a challenge. There are many distractions and many excuses not to exercise at home. Sometimes people do better in an actual exercise environment.

In summary I would say that this workout is certainly better than nothing. People who have been doing nothing will most certainly see some progress if they are pushing themselves and eating right. It is in my opinion not the answer for a long lifestyle changing exercise program.

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